Monday 11th – Friday 15th, October 2021- Integrated Studies

I am learning what a historical artefact is, and how to recognise one.

I know I can do it when I can identify a historical artefact.

What is an artefact?

An artefact is a man-made object (such as a piece of art or tools) that help us to understand different cultures or historical events.

Ancient Egyptian Artifacts, The Most Famous Ancient Egyptian Artifacts -  Journey To Egypt
The mask of Tutankhamun is an ancient Egyptian artefact

There are lots of different types of artefacts, and they are often found in different ways. Artefacts can be one-of-a-kind or handmade.

Artefacts help us to increase our understanding of the past. Significant artefacts are often no longer used the way they were intended in order to preserve them. An artefact that is more than 100 years old can also be called an antique or an heirloom.

Here are some examples of artefacts from the past:

Cars were used to travel long distances
Phonographs were used to listen to music
Typewriters were used to type words onto paper
Washing machines were used to wash clothes
Telegraphs were used to send messages
Sewing machines were used to make clothes
Planes were used to travel long distances
Telephones were used to communicate with people

Artefacts and the past

Tailem Town is an old fashion town in South Australia. There are artefacts in Tailem Town that are up to 100 years old! Read through these slides, watch the video and answer the questions as you go.

Independent Learning 

Your task today is to match the artefact pictures to the artefact names. You will need to:

  • Open your lined book and write the date at the top.  
  • Write the heading ‘Artefacts and the Past’. 
  • Print the worksheet to complete
  • Draw the artefact and write its correct name underneath.

Check your answers here:

Monday 4th – Friday 8th, October 2021- Integrated Studies

I am learning what History is, and why we should learn about it.

I know I can do it when I can identify a reason why learning about History is important.

What is History?

This term we are going to focus on learning about History. Watch this video to get an understanding why it is so important to learn about History.

Past and Present

When we talk about things from long ago, we call that the past.

When we talk about things that are happening now, we call that the present.

How did people from long ago live? Let’s see how different it is from today.

Independent Activity

Your task today is to complete a venn diagram. You will need to:

  • Open your lined book and write the date at the top.  
  • Write the heading ‘Past & Present’. 
  • Draw two large circles that connect to create a Venn Diagram.
  • Label the left circle “The Past”
  • Label the right circle “The Present”.

Now you are ready to begin your task.

  1. Talk to an adult in your household. Ask them some questions about their past.
    – What toys did they play with?
    – What technology did they use?
    -Did they wear different clothes to now?

2. Write their answers in the left circle.

3. Think about the same questions and answer them yourself.
– What toys do you play with?
– What technology do you use?
-What clothes do you wear?

4. Write your answers in the right circle.

5. Write any answers that are the same for the past & the present in the middle of the two circles.

Download Clipart Library Stock Math With Mrs D September While - Stop And  Think Png PNG Image with No Background -

6. Did you find any answers that were the same in the past & present?
Were there any big differences in the past & present?

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